Saturday, October 29, 2005

Twofour's family portrait :)

Class comm.
{♥ } Zoe
12:27 PM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Netball carnival yesterday, and actually i typed alot in my post, but there was a problem publishing it. So anyway netball carnival was kinda like our last event our whole class could work together with. The cheerleading, the netball games. I think we really did well for our cheerleading although we didn't even get second. I can't believe 2/3 won, theirs was a dance, not cheerleading. The team that was genuinely doing cheerleading was 2/7, and they got like third. Oh well, whatever. Life is never fair anyway. Hahaha.

Today was such a bad day, I think I got off from the wrong side of the bed. I missed my retreat just because of cyber wellness game cos of house comm again. Yesterday, I missed lunch with 2/4 cos of house comm meeting and now this. And today's alr like the second last day of school, and this retreat was gonna be the last thing 2/4's gonna have it together as a class besides cleaning up the classroom tmr. And I was so reluctant to even do anything during cyber wellness. There were more than enough people anyway. But finally I got to go for retreat. And it was good. 2/4's gone through so much together for two years, as a class. And even though for netball carnival, we had less than 30 people turning up, everything still went not so bad. And thank you 2/4, for always being so united, getting into trouble together, and always having fun. Thank you for always being there for me to look forward to during punishments because I know even during punishments, we find our own source of entertainment. Thank you for always being united to piss those annoying teachers off together. Basically, I just wanna thank 2/4 for every single thing that happened these two years. I know sometimes things go too far, and get out of hands, and things sometimes turn out very unpleasant, and always getting scoldings from all the teachers because we're always so good and distracting lessons and always able to talk so much esp during lesson time. But I still enjoy everyone's company.
Thank you esp to those who had punishments together with me, thank you for making even punishments in class so memorable. Thank you for those who curse teachers together with me everytime I get scoldings, thank you to those who made me love disney so much ( especially Ariel. Haha ), thank you to those who made my bus trips home not so lonely. These two years with 2/4's been a really fun time for me and we'll move on to sec3 knowing that we'll never find such company again. I'll miss all of you. And we've only 4 more hours with each other tmr :( I love 2/4 <3
{♥ } Zoe
11:11 PM
Monday, October 24, 2005
Finally today there's something to blog about, more like to complain about. Getting to know your house committee.
To all sec1s and 2s who were involved in the house games today, please stop complaining about how the games sucked and all. All of you are the ones who made the games sucky. Nobody even bothered putting in the effort to be more sporting and making the games more fun yourselves. All you do is expect more and more from the house comms. If you were to be given less than 2 weeks to plan, i think you'll end up with nothing. You complain and complain so much, not even knowing how much effort the house comms actually put in, and how many good sleeps we miss early in the morning to go for meetings and all that. You think it's so easy, and then we plan games and all, you complain the oranges look like shit cos you made them look like that. Green house members complain the games are too dirty, yellow house members complain the games are too clean. Omg what do all of you want. And when given feedback forms for yellow house, all of you give shit. Nothing can ever please all of you la, cos all of you are so selfish.
Oh well, life is never fair anyway. Haha. People put in so much effort, others complain they're lousy.
So it's netball carnival on Wednesday, and everyday after school is just basketball court, and classroom. Practicing netball, and cheerleading. Hahahaha. I bet everyone will be like in shock to see me cheerlead. But guess what, last night I bumped into this friend I met when I was P4, but we hardly talked, and she asked me if I was in cheerleading. I said no, then I asked her why. She said I looked like the kind in cheerleading. OMG SOMEONE PLEASE OPEN HER EYES FOR HER. hahahahaha. how funny, she's the first person to say that. Like I've said, life is never fair. Haha. Ciaoo
{♥ } Zoe
10:21 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Exams ended, and it's back to school tmr. For the past month or so, I've been spending every single day studying my hearts and all my organs out and now that exams are over, I don't know what to do =/
So if you're reading this, don't have to bother coming back ever again cos I probably won't be updating anytime soon. Goodbye :]
{♥ } Zoe
10:29 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
There's gonna be a party on 24th November at Chinablack for underaged kids. No alcohol. 12dollars presale tickets. 15 at the door. Interested please give stupid Vicky a call 93383450
{♥ } Zoe
10:32 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
One paper down, the paper I studied so fucking hard for so I can prove that bitch wrong that I can do well without her lessons. And then I don't finish the paper in time. And it must be the question I know how to do to come last. 21 fucking marks gone. Kiss goodbye to my 'pass' already please.
So it's all the same everyday. School, coffeebean, home, sleep. But it's gonna continue for only 8 more days and it'll be over :D
hello exams, goodbye lessons, goodbye mean teachers!
{♥ } Zoe
11:15 PM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I've just realised there's nothing wrong with blogger, it's just me being blind, not able to find where I'm supposed to type the post. Haha. Anyway, I've decided that I'm not throwing my shoes away anymore cos I can't bear to, it means too much to me. Haha
Okay so before I continue, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYANNE! :) It's that stupid girl's birthday today. Haha.
These weeks have been passing so quickly, and it's only 10 more days before we finish all our papers. I've been studying so hard but I think I'm gonna flunk my exams like how I always do last year and beginning of this year. I feel like I haven't done anything despite spending my whole afternoon sitting at coffeebean with dawn and jen studying straight after school almost everyday.
Anyhoos I'm already feeling the partying mood building up and I went shopping just now at night with my sister. Heh heh, it's so stress relieving. But I'm so angry now, she bought the checkered slip-on I always wanted since like last year. But oh well, she's the loaded one now :( And, another thing balancing my unhappiness is... I bought a new ear stud. It's soo nice and I'm so in love with it. Haha. Okay, and now, it's back to studying. Byebye.
{♥ } Zoe
10:39 PM